

Alliogasse 1
1150 Wien


Ulrike Johannsen
Heti Prack
Nazım Ünal Yılmaz

Echo was never first to speak but cursed to repeat,
so faded away, turned to stone
the voice remained
repeating forever

then we took care of Echo
worked in our own caves to find her a language

Amongst the stalactite and stalagmites of Urike Johannsen
Heti Prack turned our cave into a rich marble resource
Nazım Ünal Yılmaz´ dark paintings drew the boundaries of both his figures and the exhibition space

Ignaz, 62x50cm, gypsum, pigments, bone glue 2020

Ignaz, 62x50cm, gypsum, pigments, bone glue 2020

Ignaz, 62x50cm, gypsum, pigments, bone glue 2020

feine Sichuan Küche, 71x51cm gypsum, pigments, bone glue 2020

feine Sichuan Küche, 71x51cm gypsum, pigments, bone glue 2020

4.August.2019, 41x31cm. gypsum, pigments, bone glue 2020

Mitzi, 41x31cm, gypsum, pigments, bone glue 2020